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[FAQ]How do I schedule my camera to turn off and edit the off schedule?

Date:May 21, 2018 00:41AM View:50400

    In device settings, you can select "Camera Schedule" to schedule times to turn the camera off. Enable the scheduling feature, then tap the plus icon to set a time period for the camera to be off. You will be asked to pick a beginning time and end time and choose the day(s) of the week to set this off period. Choose save to save that off period and notice in the calendar that that time period is now grayed out.


    To remove a period that you've set the camera to be off, tap the pencil icon in the upper right of the camera schedule screen. You can then tap the "x" icon on any off periods you wish to delete.


    At all times of course, you can manually unplug the camera to turn it off.

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